One of Florida’s biggest assets is its unique environment. Help preserve our natural resources – our trees and parks. By purchasing a TreesAreCool specialty license plate for your vehicle, you help underwrite educational programs that directly benefit the trees of Florida. And you help our state, the uniquely beautiful place we call home. Healthy trees benefit wildlife, increase property values and reduce greenhouse-producing gases by cooling and cleaning the air.
The Florida Chapter of The International Society of Arboriculture, a non-profit organization, is committed to serving the needs of Florida’s professional arborists and tree-care consumers. The TreeAreCool license plate revenues benefit our Florida urban tree environment through tree research, scholarships and ongoing education of tree-care practitioners, and by providing public education programs about tree care and preservation.
Florida is one of the top destination spots in the world. You can help keep it that way by buying Florida’s tree conservation plate – the TreesAreCool license plate. When you purchase your plate, you are funding the public and professional education of Florida tree care practitioners and tree preservation efforts.